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Tools to sync data from the Australian Synchrotron


asynchy is pip installable and has a Click CLI. To install assynchy run:

pip install -e git+

Running ASSynchy

The initial setup requires you to run asynchy init, which will prompt you to enter details about the AS SFTP end point including host, username (, path to key and path to EPN database. This configuration is saved in a YAML file at /home/ubuntu/.as.yaml.

The asynchy client transfers data using the sync subcommand:

asynchy sync --help

Usage: asynchy sync [OPTIONS]

Sync data from a configured asynchy remote


--dest TEXT Destination directory [default: ./]
--src_prefix TEXT
 Prefix to append to EPNs to create their path [default:/]
--order TEXT Order of transfers by date [default: ASC]
--limit INTEGER
 Number of EPNs transfer [default: 50]
--retry INTEGER
 Number of time to retry SSH connection [default: 0]
--parallel Use multiple processes for parallelisation [default: False]
--threads INTEGER
 Number of threads to use. If parallel, the number of Python processes to use [default: 1]
--partial Enable partial transfers [default: False]
--compress Enable compression prior to transfer [default: False]
--help Show this message and exit.

To run a sync, use following command:

ubuntu\@synchy:~$ screen
ubuntu\@synchy:~$ source activate asynchy
(asynchy) ubuntu\@synchy:~$ asynchy sync --dest /srv/as/vault/data/ --src_prefix /data --limit 30 --retry 5 --parallel --threads 2


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